17 December 2023
On November 16, a decree issued by the Executive Branch was published in the Federal Official Gazette, which repeals, amends and adds various provisions to the Regulations of the Federal Gaming and Betting Law.
a. Article 33, section I
This article refers to the validity of the permits granted for games with bets and raffles. Said amendment shortens the maximum term of the permits, being that the permits for the opening and operation of betting games in racetracks, greyhound tracks, frontiers, remote betting centers and number or symbol drawing rooms, will have a minimum term of one year and a maximum term of 15 years.
Regarding such permissions, it is mentioned that the permissions of establishments currently in operation for the use of slot machines will be respected in their terms, on condition that they do not exceed the term of 15 years as from the publication of this decree.
Likewise, the decree establishes that no extensions will be granted for permissions related to activities other than those indicated in the regulation in matter.
b. Article 91, section VI
This amendment, which eliminates “raffles of numbers or symbols through machines”, is noteworthy. This article also specifies that gambling games with cards or other similar elements, as well as dice, roulette, and slot machines, cannot be considered as drawings.
c. Chapter VIII. Drawings of Numbers or Symbols through Machines.
In addition to the foregoing, the provisions of Chapter VIII. Drawings of Numbers or Symbols through Machines, were also eliminated, this suppressing the expedition of permissions for these devices.
The restriction on the emission of new permissions could have a significant impact on the ability of companies to innovate and diversify their entertainment offerings. This could also limit the potential for growth and development of this industry in the country. It is essential to find a balance that promotes responsible gaming without compromising the vitality and economic contribution of this sector to society.
In light of the above, in Bravo Abogados we would be happy to answer any question you may have regarding this legal alert.
Blvd. Antonio L. Rodríguez 3000, Colonia Santa María, 5to piso, Interior 501 Torre Albia, C.P. 64650 Mty, N.L., México T.